A range characterised by a modern, unconventional design, inspired by an ancient local legend of an elderly father who divided his only possession, the vine yard, between his daughters, “le polzelle”. Each tended to their own vine row, affirming and fulfilling their own dreams. This range has been developed to fulfil the taste of consumers linked to the land and its wines, in search of a more modern interpretation. These wines contain everything bestowed upon us by the land but with an enhanced vocation, thanks to scrupulous and modern oenological techniques.


La Polzella

La cantina Benedetti&Grigi
fa parte della filiera Food Italiae

REGULATION NO. 1308/2013


  • Loc. La Polzella, Montefalco (PG)
    Umbria – ITALY
© 2020 Benedetti & Grigi srl | Loc. Polzella, Montefalco – Umbria ITALY | Powered by Iktome